Whether you’re developing a website, creating a pitch, or writing a book, language and how we express ourselves has never been more important. At Pougatch Media we take the time to understand your business. We analyse your writing to make sure your prose is purposeful, coherent, concise and relevant.
"Victoria is a first-class copywriter and has played a critical role in the development of our written assets across the business. She has outstanding writing skills and attention to detail, but her ability to digest large amounts of information, see through the clutter and draw out our key messages clearly, concisely and effectively are what sets her apart."
David Kempshall CEO – Fever Media Group
What We Offer

We provide either a complete writing service or can edit and proof-read what you’ve written to enable you to construct your story so that you appeal to your target audience.
We make every effort to comprehend how your business works to help you convey what you want to say. We check your grammar, eliminate careless errors and tighten sentences. We ensure that your core message comes across while maintaining your unique voice. Find out more.
"I turned to Victoria for help with preparing my memoir for submission to agents. She listened carefully and understood what I was trying to achieve, supporting me through the process of early drafts, pointing out where changes might improve the manuscript and asking me poignant questions about my narrative. Her tireless support enabled me to pin down the wider arc of my story. I have been successful in acquiring a wonderful agent who remarked how strong my proposal was and that my first three chapters needed no editing. She signed me even before reading the rest of the manuscript - testament in part to the thorough editing and input from Pougatch Media." Jess Blatchley​